
By Hamp5on

'Inner workings of a croissant'...

...that's how bulliblips described this pic, ha! Really made me chuckle!
A great morning at church. A really impactful alpha session on 'why did Jesus die?' and a special reflective time where a musician in the church played one of his own gorgeous songs. Lots of talking and praying afterwards.
Home for a speedy lunch and long nap. Then later a walk up through the tunnel and the pretty way along the coast down along the paseo. A walk blipper Tower_ knows well! Lovely lovely to bump into a friend who was having a drink in one of the cafés.
Home for tea and a rewatch of the latest Wallace and Gromit.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The privilege of praying with people.
2) Nick playing his track and leading a later time of reflection too.
3) This lovely wander with Danny and the kids. We also saw Venus, and Saturn just below it, plus Jupiter and Mars. Always feels magical. 

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