The Wicked Combo: Salty and Sweet!
Why, yes, that IS bacon on my cinnamon roll; why do you ask? :-)
At my husband's request, a day or two ago, I made those easy cinnamon rolls that come from a can. Later on in the evening, I ate two of them, drizzled with crumbly bits of bacon and a smidge of butter spread, and heated in the microwave. I'd never had bacon on something sweet before, but it sounded like something I should try.
As it turns out, it was quite good, so I did it again on Saturday night. This was the final cinnamon roll from the set. It was sitting there looking lonely, so it was actually a public service that I ate it. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you. . . .
My soundtrack song is Daisy Gray, with Wicked Game.
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