Mono Monday… round.
thanks for hosting Laurie. Here are some round bases for my chairs. I guarantee no tidying up was done in the making of this blip.
I went to the GP this morning and saw S, a sweet young doctor who is soon moving onto another practice. In Australia GP training, after uni and hospital work, is for 2 years where they have to move to 4 different practices and be supervised. You can usually get an appointment sooner than the regular GPs. They are up to date with knowledge but still on a steep learning curve.
She has referred me to 5 different places. Oh dear. Here we go again. One of these is to my old favourite GP and I could get into see her on 13th February. Lucky it isn’t urgent.
Dog minding again, our son and daughter both arrived at the same time to drop off their respective pooches (Luna, Solomon and Onken). They have been fighting a lot today but mostly lots of noise and snapping. I don't think blood has been drawn. They are all jealous of any attention you give to the others.
I have finished my book (LOSING HOPE) and will add an extra for my records.
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