By lizzie_birkett

I was not…

…boozing on the train!
The trolley lady came round selling these small cans of beer in celebrating 20 years of the on board trolley service. £2.50 each. I’ll have two thank you very much! :-D I didn’t drink them.
I tried sketching the couple across the aisle from me.
I was doing OK with it but I’m not too good at perspective eg the table but I’ll fix it once home.

It was an early start this morning, we all left the house at 7.45. First Amelia was dropped off at school, then me at the train station, then Lucy to school and Johnnie to work.
Johnnie was a bit bamboozled yesterday as Sabrina was telling him all the instructions for this week while she’s away on her course. What days skating is, and what they need in their skate bags, which houses the girls are going to after school, where and what time to pick them up etc. He made a list.
This morning the girls were excellent. Both up and dressed in plenty of time, they made their beds, made their own breakfast and packed lunches. There was only a slight bit of grumpiness from (a hormonal) Amelia when Lucy kept asking her where something was. This is normal at nearly 13. I’ve noticed her getting a bit irritable lately, poor lass and then she feels bad. I remember it well!
On the whole though they get on well and each is happy doing their own thing. They don’t play together anymore except for UNO.

Anyway, it’s been a lovely weekend but I’ll be glad to get home.
Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts over the last week.

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