Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Beached Boat

Late morning we set off from our hotel in Langkawi (Malaysia) for a drive around the island in a different direction to where we went yesterday.

At the North of the island in Kedah, we stopped at Black Sand Beach where after taking the photo' of Mrs BB (extra) we had a walk along the beach as the tide was out. The beached boat dominated the shoreline and with it's shape and colour I couldn't resist a photo'.  At the car park, was a shaded seating area where we shared a very large lime drink (20p!).

After a few hours driving, I stopped at a Petrol Station and a good half tank of fuel was £5.50!  Obviously little tax on fuel as not the case in the UK.

We got back to the hotel about 4pm to enjoy a couple of hours on the beach.

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