Joyful Reaper

By Joyful

Dr. McGillicuddy's

This cherry liqueur is delicious.  It reminds me of the cough drops I enjoyed as a kid.  They were sweet with a deep flavor and they were the only "candy" you could legally have while you were in class.
Printed on the back label:

Being of sound mind and even better spirits, I, Dr. Aloysius Percival McGillicuddy, born in the year of our Lord, 1808, bequeath my home, livestock, and half interest in the Shady Eye Saloon to my fifth wife, Hermione, age 22.
     To my son, I leave my watch, dueling pistols, and favorite pipe.
     To the world, I present the recipe for Dr. McGillicuddy's, whose refreshing taste has made me a bit of a legend in these parts.
                To your future!

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