
By pandieb


After two days of hiking up mountains in the snow and yesterdays adventures with ice axes, buses, planes and more buses I flaked out quite early last night. I must have not checked the kitchen door was properly shut as the Stripy Cat woke me up at 5am demanding.... something. I tried to ignore him but he wasn't having it and continued to yowl and walk on my head so I tempted him back to his own bed with early morning Dreamies and shut the door again. Properly this time. Then Himself's alarm went off. Then the gas people started digging up the road.

I got up. So much for a quiet day off.

Laundry, some personal admin and a bit more laundry were the main elements of this morning, sorting out some things I'd been putting off. Once done I made some (peanut butter) flapjacks before getting restless and going out for a walk, where I saw this mini library. I've never noticed it before. I had a run planned but I'm glad I didn't as my legs were heavy just walking. 

We're having the gas main replaced in the road this week (and probably next) so it's all a bit chaotic outside. They're digging a hole right across my driveway tomorrow (probably) so I've also had to put the car somewhere else (in the road, not under the bed).  They were supposed to be working on my house on Wednesday but now can't say when, irritating as someone needs to be here and while it's relatively easy for one of us to work from home most days, it's not always practical at the drop of a hat.

Fishcakes for tea. With spinach. Yum!

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