
By tridral

Esgeuluso fel strategaeth

Esgeuluso fel strategaeth ~ Neglect as a strategy

“[T]ime will erase it at no cost to us.”
― Charles Dickens (Spoken by ‘Ebenezer Scrooge’, ‘A Christmas Carol’ (TV Movie 1999)

[Bob Cratchit: “[i]I was wondering, after seven years, you would like Mr. Marley's name removed from the sign outside.”[/i] / Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge: “No; time will erase it at no cost to us.”])

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Roeddwn i'n edrych ar yr hen ysbyty eto ar fy ffordd yn ôl o'r grŵp Cymraeg.

Roeddwn i'n meddwl, os roedd pobl yn onest byddai'n dweud os roedden nhw eisiau dymchwel adeilad. Mae'r strategaeth amgen yn ei esgeuluso, gadael yr adeilad i amser, tywydd, fandaliaeth, a phenderfynu yn y pen draw, ei fod yn rhy beryglus i gadw ac (yn anffodus) mae rhaid i ni ei dymchwel.

Efallai, rydw i fod yn sinigaidd, ond rydw i'n meddwl os roedden nhw eisiau cadw'r adeilad, bydden nhw wedi bod yn gweithio i ffeindio defnydd i'r lle.  Ar hyn o bryd rydyn ni'n talu am ddiogelwch tra bod yr adeilad yn pydru.

Roeddwn i wedi anghofio fy nghamera gorau, felly roedd rhaid i mi ddefnyddio fi ffôn. Gobeithio rydych chi'n gallu gweld yr hen bensaernïaeth hardd ac y ffenestri wedi torri. Rhaid i mi drio dysgu mwy am yr adeilad, ond does dim gobaith gyda fi gan neb gynlluniau defnyddiol.

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I was looking at the old hospital again on my way back from the Welsh language group.

I thought if people were honest they would say if they wanted to demolish a building. The alternative strategy is to neglect it, leave the building to time, weather, vandalism, and ultimately decide that it is too dangerous to keep and (unfortunately) we have to demolish it.

Maybe, I'm being cynical, but I think if they wanted to keep the building, they would have been working to find a use for the place. Right now we are paying for security while the building rots.

I had forgotten my best camera, so I had to use my phone. I hope you can see the beautiful old architecture and the broken windows. I must try to learn more about the building, but I have no hope of anyone having useful plans.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Yr ysbyty esgeuluswyd, yn dangos hen bensaernïaeth hardd ac y ffenestri wedi torri.

Description (English) : The neglected hospital, showing beautiful old architecture and broken windows.

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