waiting for the Boss.....

We had our usual Friday chat/coffee/blipmeet/photoshoot/walk this morning. We went down to the Tannery to enjoy its restorations.The Woolston Tanneries was a prominent industry in Woolston for approximately 80 years. With the Heathcote River to the East and the Christchurch Lyttelton railway line running close to its southern boundary, it was an ideal site for industry. The Heathcote River was an important food source for Maori and was also an important transportation route. With European settlement the Heathcote River and Ferry Road became the main entry point for people arriving in Canterbury. Industries were soon established along the river because of the availability of water and because it was a convenient sewer. When the river lost its importance as a transportation route in the 1870s, Woolston remained an important industrial area because the railway connection between Christchurch and the port at Lyttelton passed through the area.
We usually start with a coffee- this dog was outside just waiting..........

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