
By hazelh

Packing for my travels again

Since I'm off on my travels again on Tuesday, I found myself packing once more this morning. However, I'm not going far this time, and the belongings in this case aren't mine. I'm heading to Newcastle to deliver the last of Mummy hazelh's clothes to her, and to spend the day keeping her company.

Also today I prepared for a work meeting tomorrow, worked on Mummy hazelh admin, went for a run, cooked, and looked forward to the arrival of a special evening guest.

Winsford came round for supper (prawn cocktail, aubergine/tomato/halloumi bake, apple crumble) and games (Catan x 2, the first one won by Mr hazelh and the second by Winsford). It was a lovely evening of catching up, feasting, and fun. I see that Winsford has included the pre-dinner drinks in our sitting room and the Catan board in her blip collage for today.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; 7k run; 13,414 steps (including run).

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