Bonjour je suis un poisson pourpre

Quite an eventful day today. We got up late and had a big breakfast. After that we took Maddy and Chloe, who had been staying last night, into Leith Waterworld. We had a good swim and play at the pool then Maddy decided she was going to stay at Chloe's place tonight.

After all this we went to meet Roz's mum who wanted to take us out for some food at Cafe Rouge. I'd never eaten there before and I have to say the standard of the food was really good. It's been years sice I've had a decent Croque Monsieur and tonights one was great. It may be a chain but decent French food is always good. There was no pousson pourpre on the menu though.

While we were at the restaurant Sally was raving about Bruno as she'd been to see it with some friends last week. Since we were childless we decided to head down to Ocean Terminal to see it. It was absolutely hilarious although with a few of those cringeworthy, he's not really going to do that is he, moments worthy of Fawlty Towers or Curb your enthusiasm. Well worth going to see unless you're easily shocked.

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