...the same but different.
Mr. HCB went for a walk with his friend early this morning - before I was even up, so after I had had my breakfast, I decided to go for a wander around the garden to see if I could find something for Tiny Tuesday, with the theme of “The same but different.” It was actually quite warm out there and I didn't even need a jacket.
I took my Canon camera out, and decided that the Passionflower plant would be a good subject, but wasn’t happy with the shots, so thought I would take my Panasonic Lumix. This takes a reasonable macro shot, but the battery had run out, so it was back to the iPhone. However, I’m not really that thrilled with the sharpness of this one either, but decided I had faffed around enough and as I wanted to make some more soup, decided that it would do for today’s challenge.
This reminded me of my hair - sometimes although it is the same hair and both sides are cut the same, one side often looks good while the other looks awful.
These are two of the little tendrils - and you know me, I like to know a bit more about anything, so asked Mr. Google, who told me:
“They are known to be modified portions of leaf, stem or petiole. Their main function is to provide support to the plant as it climbs up a structure. By doing so they allow a plant to find a more suitable area to grow due to more light. When stems are modified into tendril they help plants to climb.”
So there you have it, these little “curly wurly” tendrils have a function that helps the Passionflower to climb - much like having trusted friends around us who help us when we are struggling, and enable us to find the way when we are perhaps trying to find the light or a different path from the one we are on.
Let’s all try to be “curly wurly” tendrils to our friends today - and I’m sure we will all benefit because helping someone else has huge benefits and makes us feel better too.
Have a tremendous Tuesday. M xx
P.S. Mr. HCB appreciated all your kind comments yesterday - his head looks a bit sore today, but it's doing what the Consultant said and blistering well. However, he assures me it is not painful, which is good news.
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