It has been one of those days that seem to have disappeared and I had no photos to speak of, so my potted hyacinth came to my rescue.
I met some friends for coffee this morning, which was book-ended before and afterwards by walks in the woods with Xena. It was good to see this group of friends again and to hear about the successful outcome of a highly risky heart surgery that my one friend's son had undergone at the end of last year.
Luke had an MRI last week on his shoulder and today went back to see the surgeon. His shoulder is feeling a lot better so he thought it would just be an appointment to confirm that it will heal with physio, but no, the shoulder bone has been chipped and he has what is called a bony brankart fracture, which requires surgery to correct. If he does not have the surgery it will be very unstable and could lead to glenoid bone loss and impairment of movement. He is very upset by this news. And all because of a gentle fall on the icy snow when skiing, not even a major crash!
I finished my book The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, not my usual genre of books to read as there is an underlying fantasy theme in the book, but I loved it! It is now being made into a movie as it has been a very popular book.
Still trying to catch up on TV shows - I will finish the last ever Vera tonight.
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