
By gennepher


UI had a very good day today. I was up at 3 am and I needed that time to get ready in time.

But then I was thinking of my friend and her husband. They had said no flowers. I did not have time to send a card before the funeral this morning. The only thing I could think of doing was making a personal special condolence card and sending it through WhatsApp to her.
That took far longer than I thought, and before I knew it, I was still here at home in Wales when I should've been in Liverpool looking for my parking space and having a cup of tea and a breakfast before my appointment.

A race against time.
I beat the satnav times. I kept to exactly 1 mile an hour below the max speed allowed on any road, whether 20 or 70mph. It was heavy going to work traffic, so they were quite happy with me. I made my appointment with minutes to spare.

All the nurses and medical people I saw made a special effort to accommodate my deafness and hearing needs.
They were very kind and considerate, and made sure I understood all the information they were imparting to me, absolutely perfectly all the way through the appointment. One nurse got me to repeat what she said to make absolutely sure I understood every step of the way.

All I had on about my deafness, was my deafness lanyard and badge (and my clothes of course). I never once had to say to anyone I was deaf and I needed extra help. It was all done for me....

A total contrast to my last horrific appointment there.

I could not have asked for more ...

I was told, of course I could wear my Cochlear sound processor for the operation, and before I could ask, I was told of course you can take your mobile phone into the operating theatre. It is an essential piece of medical equipment for controlling your Cochlear processor. You could've knocked me down with a feather for this, after the last debacle appointment....

Then she made me a little bit sad, and told me I would have to take my earrings off for the operation. But my partner died in 2009 and he bought them me and I have not taken them off since then, I explained. No problem said the nurse, they are your comfort for your operation. We will tape them up. You must wear them during the operation. They are your comfort item...

The whole appointment went beautifully with every possible help given and consideration for my deafness.

Then I went to Greggs cafe, bought a cup of tea and a pasty, and a text came through from my friend and her husband. They really appreciated that special individual condolence card I made for them. It was well worth me doing that this morning before the funeral..

I am drop dead tired now and been in bed since I got home.

Creative...some crystals in a Laboscope kaleidoscope....

About my new mobile phone, pixel 8, it was nowhere near ready to take out to depend on. There are so many little things that you don't realise that you installed on your old phone as you went along, that you will rely on for something else, and obviously I didn't have my password book out with me...

Take care. I am falling asleep....

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