
By MarilynParker

Annual asthma review.

Went for appointment with Nurse Clinician at my GP surgery for my annual asthma review. The waiting room was empty apart from a gentleman and myself, both waiting to speak to a receptionist - me to check in and he seemed to want some paperwork checked out or logged.
I stood for ten minutes while the 2 receptionists were on the phone and towards the end of the 10 minutes the one the gentleman was waiting for became free and started to attend to the man's paperwork. I thought ten minutes was more than enough time standing and now it was past the time of my appointment and I hoped I would not be missed (it being so busy ha ha). 5 minutes later with still nobody free to attend to me the Nurse Clinician came into the waiting room and called my name. She was unhappy that I was not checked in as she thought I had not arrived and she was about to go home! I was in with her at least 15 minutes and still the receptionists were tied up on phones as I left! 

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