Today was A's birthday, and in the evening we went out to eat with daughters L and K at KORA, the "budget" Tom Kitchen restaurant in Edinburgh. The food was excellent, and it was good to be together as a family.
Earlier, I'd been into work to attend a meeting with our visitor, give my second lecture, have lunch with И, before an afternoon spent variously working and discussing work with the the other four in team HiGHS.
I first left work at 16:45 to be in at my mother's flat when someone came along to collect clothes for a charity. Unfortunately I was so brain dead that I only gave her the ones that were out on the bed, and forgot all those that were in the walk-in closet.
I still had over two hours before the meal booking, so I returned to work, where I had a chat with one of my good colleagues, and implemented a fix that И had sent me. Then I had a hour's walk through south Edinburgh to the restaurant
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