I've come across an impressive 'pilot clinic' at Oxford's Community Diagnostic Centre. People with respiratory problems can be booked in for four hours, have a sprirometry test, a chest x-ray, a blood test and an ECG. By the time the patient gets to see the respiratory consultant, outposted for the day to the Diagnostic Centre from the John Radcliffe Hospital, all the test results have been processed and assessed. If appropriate, the consultant refers the patient then and there to a specialist respiratory physiotherapist. No traipsing to and from one test one week to another somewhere else next month and losing track of who is doing what, where or why. This is good, efficient health care and I'm sure the professionals involved feel as good about it as the patients do.
My printer's been misbehaving for ages and this evening I worked out that the nozzle that lets air into the cyan cartridge was blocked, so no ink could come out. The photo I then printed wan't brilliant but very much better than the all-orange first attempt.
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