Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Flowers in the sunshine at Oswaldtwistle Mills.

As I had finished all my housework, I had time to enjoy a pleasant wander around the mills.
I went specifically to buy a new food bowl for Tiffany and was chuffed to get a good offer on the Elle range, £2.50 for two nicely designed open bowls, ideal for a hungry pussy cat's sardines and cat biscuits.
I also bought a small pot of Marjoram, only £1.35 from the garden centre there, and I have potted this up to replace the lettuce on my kitchen window sill. I hope to add chives and parsley too.
I found one or two other inexpensive things to buy, one being a little brush with space for washing up liquid.
It has gradually got hotter as the day has gone on.
On the return journey I got off the train with a young girl who looked troubled.
I was a little apprehensive, but asked if she needed help.
She asked for directions to Green Bank police station, because she said she had been attacked and her mobile phone stolen.
I felt very sorry for her and explained how to get to the police station which was about 2 miles to walk in the hot sun.
I gave her some Mentos mints and my bottle of tonic water as I did not have far to walk home.
I am not unaware the world has many in it who act unsociably for a number of reasons, but the world is still a beautiful place and we can help each other cope, and offer the hand of friendship.
I try not to judge and pray for a conversion of heart and healing for both people caught up in this sad event.
There is only so much the police can do, so many people need Jesus to change their lives.
Have a safe and happy weekend blipper friends.

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