Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Bin View v. a million and one

A very cold (-4) and white start to the day, this was a bit later when the green returned. 

I had a good call re white labelling products for a London-based wellness brand this morning. Then it was over to Dalkeith (and catching up with The Fort) to see what needs restocking. Quite a lot as you would expect after the Christmas rush. 

Home to spend the rest of the afternoons making and pulling together restocks. I also spent a four figure sum on jars (for candles and diffusers). Eep, and that's just the start of what's needing ordered. 

Brother in law visiting this evening. After dinner, S persuaded him to join him down at his Weds night music session in Penicuik. While they were out, I finally watched The Outrun, very different to the book, as I remember it, but still enjoyed it. 


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