Busy at the field
Hubby up early and off to Trains, so I had a lovely lie in.
Some admin first thing then on to return some dog food - Lily’s a bit fickle at the moment, I had purchased quite a few cartons (on special offer), but she’s decided she doesn’t like it. Now eating “Lilys kitchen” he he he. Then on to the supermarket for the boys tea (pizza is a good choice). On my way home, stopped of at a local open field by a lake, always a lot of Canadian geese there, they were heavily joined by pigeons today too.
Back home for lunch, made sure my crochet was finished ready for class tomorrow. Off to pick the boys up. They were full of silliness from the moment I picked them up, I left them to play but they go beyond silly sometimes. Let’s say teatime was a quiet affair. Yummy meal finished with strawberries and ice cream.
Traitors tonight - oh, it’s getting gripping, only one more vote left, has the traitors played the right card (the saying “sell down the river” comes to mind).
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