Busy Day
Notice that white molar in the back of my mouth. That’s the result of two hours in the dentist chair. That’s a temporary crown. The permanent one goes in in two weeks.
The day started with thick frost on my car. I had to scrape it before I could drive to the dentist office.
When I got home I had some lunch and then drove Shelly to his Medicare yearly appointment. After that we went to Costco to get his hearing aids cleaned. Shelly had a hot dog and I had a fruit smoothie. Then home. By then it was four o’clock and my tooth was throbbing. Time for some pain meds and a short nap before dinner and a concert at WWU. Henry Kramer played as part of the Sanford Hill Piano Series. He played music by Ravel and by composers who inspired him. It was another fantastic performance. That series has been so great this year.
So a full and busy day. Now it’s late. Time for bed. Goodnight everyone.
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