Upside Down
With some things you don’t need to be there, for others you do so today I missed the Cornwall RBL Annual County Conference in order to be at the gig move with Epic.
As a club we have opted to overhaul Valiant first, so we moved her by road round to Devoran’s boatshed where she was reversed in on the trailer, lifted off and then lifted turned to rest on trestles.
She will sit and dry out for a week before we start to strip her back to bare wood and sand her down. A specialist repairer will carry out repairs to some damage, the cover will be repaired, oars repaired and all the fixtures and fittings checked and repaired as necessary.
Exciting times.
Mrs S is on the second of three consecutive night shifts, already tired, the builders noise from next door during the day isn’t helping.
Sam’s excited, away on her travels tomorrow, using part of her Christmas gift, hotel and breakfast in London paid for by the Bank Of Mum & Dad.
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