
By KatesGardenPDX

The Winter Garden

At the Hoyt Arboretum in Portland. I’m
Sure you’ve heard me rattle on about this lovely place before. I go there often. It’s a super walk, with great elevation changes, and lots of interesting plants to look at. This is the Winter Garden - quite a hike down from the entrance to this enchanting garden. Talk about lifting one’s spirits in mid-January! Camellias and Hellebores in bloom, along with the brilliant twigs of Cornus sanguinea (Mid-Winter Fire I think), blooming Mahonia (Oregon Grape Holly) and the brilliant yellow Chief Joseph Golden Lodgepole Pine.

I went to see my amazing osteopathic massage therapist today. He’s been working on my various body parts which are not, well, working properly. He’s truly a magician. Today he spent the entire time working on my gut - quite seriously - untangling it from years of chronic inflammation (think Celiac Disease and related issues) which in turn is releasing my spine which then makes my hips and legs work far more efficiently. Truly he’s a gift.

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