Living my dream

By Mima


One of the jobs for the weekend is to get more light onto the bean wigwams. The Kanuka bushes on the right of this photo (and the thumbnail) have grown incredibly dense and tall this summer and are shading the bean plants enough to impact on the crop. I shall cut the bushes down to shoulder height. 

On the left of the beans are some spreading Kowhai trees which also could do with some serious trimming. They are on the southern side and have less of an impact on light levels. Still... while I'm topping the Kanukas I might as well do a proper job.

So that's tomorrow sorted out...

Today I have been weeding in G's garden, then picking and processing crops Chez M&B. We have had a walk and caught up with a couple of locals while we were out. 

Bean continues to eat and sleep heaps. I have no time for a nananap for the second day running...

This morning I listened to a very interesting interview with Peter Beinart about being Jewish after the destruction of Gaza. It is an enlightening discussion with David Marr.

Blue Heron mentioned the other day that she has stopped looking at The Guardian because of the pictures. And her comment led to the realisation that I can listen to news about what's happening in various places across the world, but I am struggling to watch the news, or look at photographs. 

Photos and video showing the suffering and destruction in Gaza (amongst other places) distresses me enormously. And the smug self-satisfaction on the face of the orange narcissist makes me sick. 

So I am sticking to radio and podcasts, and thus I can bear witness without turning myself inside out.

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