
By WeeDragon_J

Storm Éowyn Spinning

In a sheltered corner at the moment and is spinning away.

Raining and windy at the moment.

Under red weather warning for most of the day. Got the ALERT message last night nearly jumped out my skin, what a fright!

Tucked up cosy inside, had filled flasks at breakfast time, might be time to refill them just incase power flickers & goes off.

A few pots rolling around the garden. The frame has fallen over but no plastic cover on it to make it fly. A few broken branches and a neighbour’s fence is wobbling away, will be down soon enough.

Storm Éowyn battering Ireland overnight and this morning now crossing West of Scotland and across the Central-belt of Scotland. Moving northwards with rain, sleet and snow.

11.30am Edinburgh West
4°C with windchill of -15°C.
39mph SW winds blustery 73mph
Rainy sleet.

Not yet at height of storm.

Hope you are all okay where you are today.

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