The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

A bit breezy

Storm Eowyn passed us by. We got a stiff breeze, and rain coming through the letterbox in the early morning. I gather that the three nations to to the North and West came off far worse, as did the Republic of Ireland, and I do hope that power will soon be restored, fallen trees cleared away, and normality will return, whatever that is, before the next storm.

D and I met in Cheltenham, having decided not to postpone our plans on account of the forecast . He is looking older and more drawn. I told him that I’d rather have a two-day weekend break in March with him rather than five days in June. He seemed to take that ok. Really, it’s for the sake of my sanity. D talks about food all time, or his long-dead but nasty mother. I’ve offered to get him counselling before now……

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