
By Pedros


Sometimes, when you wake up and look out of the window, it's best to go back to bed.
Today, my social calendar was full, I had two hospital appointments. First, the wonderful Margaret, my stoma nurse. She is about to retire (again). The NHS will be poorer without her. Thank you M.
Then I was off for a CT scan. I had checked they could use my Port and a nice person from the Radiology Department called me and said "of course, no problem". When I got there the answer was "No". They wanted to send me to the cancer centre (the building next door, where I usually have scans). In the end I opted to stay and have a cannula in my arm. A piece of pointless and stressful shenanigans. However the radiologist was quick and precise. She said "This will take 55 seconds". I couldn't see my watch, but I think she was right.

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