
By edisteve


Just back home after doing some shopping and getting some steps in at Inveresk Lodge Garden. Generally, it seems we have, thankfully, been let off lightly, with not much damage compared to many other parts of Scotland and Ireland. 

There was this one tree (malus x robusta) that was damaged but not much else.

I did however, read with sadness that the famous Darnley Sycamore, one of my blips from eleven years ago, in Glasgow, had been badly damaged. This tree is over 500 years old and has reputed links to Mary, Queen of Scots and her husband, Lord Darnley. 

As it’s Burns Night, we are having Haggis toasties for tea … they are posher than they sound, honest. 

Here’s hoping you were safe where you are, and are having a nice Saturday. 

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