
By Scobes

Nae bad....

....frankly it could have been worse. I counted ten mature trees toppled, snapped or leaning, Arwen (in 2021) brought down fifty. 

Earlier, I was out of bed before it was light and headed-up the A68 as soon as the gritters had been out and assured ice free tarmac. At this early hour, so soon after the storm, there were still debris hazards around some corners on the B road approach, so I took it very easy. As I unlocked the gate to the wood, I could see a tree blocking the track in the distance so I was braced for bad news. Fortunately, the hut was fine and although losing ten mature trees is not great, I think it could have been much worse if the prevailing wind was anything other than sou'westerly the trees are accustomed to.  I donned m'boots and helmet and cleared a route through the tree blocking the track, and another track-blocker 500 metres further on. Neither tree is mine, but it's nice to be nice and it'll keep the local pug walkers from moaning about their right of access being infringed. 

Next I dropped Nancy at the nearest train station, she's off to Embra to get  some culture, and then I headed home to watch the local egg chasing team play against a bunch of hawkish types from Glasgow, with the final result being 33 v 33.

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