
Trust me to be in the officially hottest town in Germany on the hottest day of the year so far. According to the news temperatures here hit 39.4 in the shade. It's really windy with it but its wind from the Sahara it's like a hair dryer.

We ventured out early to avoid the silly heat. We went to the Rhine and had a ridiculously short walk. My foot is not that great yet and to be honest the heat got to us all a little.
About lunchtime we had reached Zons a lovely historic village where we found drinks and shade in a bierkeller.

Back home we did nothing. As soon as you move you start sweating. It's now still 32 outside and it's nearly 10 at night. Thunderstorms expected first thing in the morning... I hope they are right!!

The blip is of my mum and dad.... I must have a chat about those red trousers. .... ;-)

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