…on the face
of a pet portrait
of the boo
one minute she was lazing - the next she had bolted - upright into a perfect - kittie-boo portrait pose - worthy of a snap or two - simply because it caused - such a fierce appearance - of intensity on her face - i am never ever clear - on what the boo is - focusing her attentions on - when she gets herself in - a pose such as this one
if you also are fortunate - enough to have a kittie-boo own you - then you’re aware of these - kinds of mysteries they - possess when it comes to - staring at the unknown - things on the ceiling - or the floor - perhaps it’s on a window - sometimes it’s just in - mid air that they seem to be - fascinated with while all - the time you’re left - in the dark because you - see nothing at all - it would seem to our - human eyes that there is - really nothing to be observed - yet the kittie is entranced
so it was when i snapped here - the boo was so focused - i don’t know if she even - knew that i was in front - of her face taking a close-up - all in all it was a most - perfect set up which led to…
happy day…..
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