
By BGCoffee

Mount Fuji

Although it was a sad time giving my dad a send off after his 96 year life, I did have a good time with my sisters and had an unexpected opportunity on the way home to visit a new country to me. Having a 12 hour layover in an airport did not appeal and so as soon as I arrived in Tokyo, I took off to Shingawa station and the bullet train for a trip to Kyoto. This country provided me with probably the most impactful culture shock I’ve ever had, mostly in a good way. I’ll post another photo tomorrow of the Shinto temple I visited in Kyoto but on the way I had booked a seat that specifically boasted of having a view of Mount Fuji on the way and here it is. A spectacular view of a still active volcano that last erupted in the early part of the 20th century.

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