Christmas 2009 Movie Reviews
Here's a potted selection of my Xmas viewing reviews....
Four Christmases
Feeling very seasonal, we put this on to watch while sucking back a large Xmas dinner followed by mince pies and a bottle of port (bucket on standby for Boxing Day).
But however, Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon RUINED Xmas!! Boooo!! Point and jeer at them, children!! This is because their film was mind-blowingly unfunny from beginning to end. The only good thing in it was Jon Favreau, and that is mainly because he LOOKS funny. Like someone has stuck a foot pump up his bottom and inflated him.
Other than that, this was a joyless scroogiefied non-event of a film. And a waste of the talents of Robert Duvall, Mary Steenburgen, Sissy Spacek and Jon Voight as the various family members.
Bah! And humbug! 3/10
Fame 2009
After 30 minutes Caro said, "I want them all to get killed in traffic". This is how I felt about it too, so we never saw the end. With any luck it involved an oncoming truck and a blind corner. 0/10
This Is It
Was actually quite good. And I say that as a non-Jackson fan. From the rehearsal footage it looked like it would have been the best concert ever, and there's an edge of sadness for all those involved who were so excited and enthusiastic about it, given that we know what happened just 8 days before the big event.
My only criticism is that Jackson himself is a distant figure - performing his songs and occasionally giving his opinion on how the music should be staged. I suppose after Martin Bashir he wanted to keep a low profile, but this film gives you no glimpse at all into what sort of a person he really was. 7/10
I was a bit bored by this, although Caro enjoyed it. She said it really drew her in to the world of the main character, but me not so much as you can tell by the fact that I have forgotten main character's name.
On the plus side, it prompted us to start watching True Blood, which I thought was like the tv version of Twilight but really really isn't. It's full of - well - shennanigans - and dirty vampire shennanigans at that.
I mean, they're at it constantly, on the bed, in the garden, upside down, dangling from the ceiling. I had no idea the undead were so lively. Anyway, I hope that it has not given Caro ideas because I suspect if I tried any of the moves in this show I would snap something clear off. Oh, anyway, Twilight, yes... 5/10
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