Robin v Robin
So I saw the Russell Crowe Robin Hood this weekend. Here's how it squares up against "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" -
Bryan Adams Rating: There's no big Bryan Adams ballad in the new version, so right away that's Russell 1, Kevin 0.
Marian Rating: While Mary Elizabeth Wotshername was awful pretty, she was a bit wet compared to Cate Blanchett who goes around kneeing people in the goolies and gets stuck in during big battle sequences. Also, her Northern accent is spot on. Russell 2, Kevin 0.
Accent Rating: Robin is supposed to come from the Nottingham in this film, but as soon as Russell opened his mouth I thought he sounded more like Ricky Tomlinson or Ringo Starr. This is partially explained by his time abroad (during the Crusades he must have gone to the Holy Land with a long stop over in Birkenhead) but just as I was getting used to that, the accent shifted again to Geordie, with a hint of Yorkshire with a hint of the Waikato. At least Kevin's Robin had an accent and stuck with it. Russell 2, Kevin 1.
Story Rating: Russell's film doesn't half fart about with the plot. Despite having baddies lined up for it (Prince John, The Sheriff) it instead decides to tell the story of how Robin "became" Robin Hood, so instead introduces loads more bad guys instead who aren't as interesting and take ages to get their evil plans in motion. It's just frustrating, and there's no need for it especially because the sheriff gets nothing to do at all. Russell 2, Kevin 2.
Which reminds me - Sheriff Rating: Alan Rickman with his spoon. Need I say more. Kevin gets an extra bonus point for that. Russell 2, Kevin 4.
Action Rating: There are a lot of battle sequences in Russell's film, but they are of the "Gladiator", "Kingdom of Heaven" sort and therefore sort of samey to what we've seen before. Especially when what we are looking for in a Robin Hood movie is lots of bows and arrows, swinging through trees and dangling from chandeliers. It's just too impersonal in Russell's version and makes Robin Hood look like all the other big war movies we've had recently like Troy and Alexander and what have you. Russell 2, Kevin 5.
So in my opinion, a clear winner. Russell's film is okaaaay and I would watch it on a rented dvd, but I doubt I'd sit through it more than once, like I can with Kevin's film. Still, neither Russell or Kevin can match my favourite Robin. No, not Sean or Errol or even Michael Praed. I'm talking about Daffy Duck of course - "Zoiks and awaaaaaaaayyyyy"!
Robin Hood - 5/10
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - 7/10
"Everything I dooooooo, I do it for yooooooooo....."
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