
By HaydnM


I gotta say, I'm a real sucker for a long coach journey, travelling between towns and cities. Feels like a mini adventure to break uo the monotonous nature of day to day life. That isn't at all to say that my life is boring, just that a change of scenery is sometimes necessary, if only for a day. 

Today that journey takes me to my hometown of Southampton, to see my parents. I wish I saw them more to be perfectly honest, but life gets in the way sometimes. 

There was probably a time when I felt I saw far too much of them, waiting for the day I could see them less. Now I've moved out, having been moved out for 3 years, I miss them every single day, and just wish they were closer. I truly view them as my best friends.

I can't wait to see them today

Happy Sunday folks :)

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