Gold and silver
A calm end to a busy day as we walked Gus along the shore, through the Woof tree walk into the rabbit field and back, admiring as we went the setting sun reflecting in the waters of the Kent channel.
I missed the panic at home this morning as the men arrived to erect the scaffolding ready for work on the roof next week. The gate through which they needed access had mysteriously been locked by persons unknown, though the Eon man arrived shortly afterwards to unlock it again. They were three days earlier than expected and we hadn't had chance to cut back the vegetation ready for them, Arnside Simon rapidly came to Wifie's rescue and cleared the way. But then something happened that would have been true slapstick, had it not been so painful - one of the scaffolders trod on a rake head and the handle hit him in the face and knocked the crowns off his front teeth. The poor man had a date this evening and he was imagining turning up with a stumpy-toothed smile, but luckily his dentist was able to fit him in with an emergency appointment.
The afternoon belonged to Bob the cat. I took him to the vet for his check-up after three weeks on medicine to suppress his over-active thyroid. The lad had to endure for the second time a blood sample being taken from his jugular vein. He is so good natured, he couldn't bring himself to bite or scratch, but he did wriggle enough for several attempts to be needed. We shall know next week when we get the test results if the medicine is working, but he hasn't gained any weight since the tablets started which is not so good a sign.
As for Gus, he seems to be over the illness of a week ago and is a very happy lad again.
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