
By tridral

Bwdha Tsieineaidd mewn Siop Indiaid

Bwdha Tsieineaidd mewn Siop Indiaid ~ Chinese Buddha in an Indian Shop

“What makes our birth so precious is our potential for awakening. We are born buddhas, and all dharma practices help us recognize and nurture this truth. Because we do not actually believe in our own capacity for awakening, these teachings work to reverse the tendency to see ourselves as insufficient.”
― Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

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Pan Bwdhaeth yn symud o wlad i wlad mae'n cymryd rhai o rinweddau'r lle newydd. Mae'n edrych yn wahanol yn India, Tsieina, Siapan ayyb. Heddiw roeddwn i mewn siop Indiadd a gwelais i'r cerflun hwn, Bwdha mewn arddull Tsieineaidd. Doeddwn i ddim yn gwybod lle ffeindiodd e syniadau o 'Ffawd' ac ' Arian'. Mewn Bwdhaeth, gallech ddweud, rydych chi mor gyfoethog â'r hyn y gallwch chi ei roi i ffwrdd. Efallai mae'n arwydd o haelioni cwsmeriaid siop.

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When Buddhism moves from country to country it takes on some of the qualities of the new place. It looks different in India, China, Japan etc. Today I was in an Indian shop and I saw this statue, a Buddha in a Chinese style. I didn't know where he found the ideas of 'Luck' and 'Money'. In Buddhism, you could say, you are only as rich as what you can give away. Perhaps it is a sign of the generosity of shop customers.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Bwdha Tsieineaidd hapus mewn Siop Indiaidd - wedi'i amgylchynu gan focsys o arogldarth a chasglu arian.

Description (English) : Happy Chinese Buddha in an Indian Shop - surrounded by boxes of incense and collecting money

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