One life to live

By otornblom

Kalevi 84

It's almost the end of January and we have visited Siilinkari Sector Light 0 times! Ice is finally thick enough, so we decided that now it's time. When we stepped on the ice we noticed that there is a lot of water. We didn't want to get our feet soakin wet, so unfortunately we didn't make it this time. We had a short walk in Lapinniemi and headed back home. On ice there were winter fishers, ice skaters, a cyclist and kicksledders, we didn't see any walkers.

My father-in-law had birthday party in the afternoon, he turned 84 years old.Leevi and Ella came too, and it was also lovely to see Minna and Minttu. Emma slept so late(!) that she didn't make it.

I picked Emma up from Hervanta in the evening.

+2,8°C, cloudy

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