
By Ingeborg


Dinos and bubbleblowing liquid, how much fun is that ?
Jack left his dino bubble blowing tubes with us and I tried to make an image with some of the resulting bubbles (not very succesfully !)

Thanks so much for all your entries last Thursday for the 500th Abstract Thursday last week. I certainly didn't host all those weeks, the first hundred or more were hosted by youoregon1, the founder of this great challenge. Thanks also for all your nice comments on it being the 500th week ! I wish I could give all the entries a heart, but unfortunately that isn't possible. Please know I am giving you all a virtual heart !

This coming Thursday the optional theme is 'bubbles', interpret that in any abstract way you want. The tag will be AT501.

Here's the list of 5 special entries from last Thursday:
Brianblip             treebark
BikerBear           cherry tree cube
Hanulli                organic 500
RosHele             green
lesmark              pottery rim

Thanks so much for all your kind comments, stars and even hearts for my Blips this past week !

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