Breaking the back of love
I'm feeling better. Sedated. But better. I don't have any emotion now which is probably better than crying all the time ... There's never a easy balance
But I slept last night which was amazing. Hot ovaltine three chapters and then snooze. Amazing. I was so happy
We went to a garden centre where Si showed restraint and had a nice conversation with a lady on the counter trying to negotiate cheap prat free compost for the allotment
I was very proud of him
I wandered round the garden centres new pram store and a wee old lady (older than me) asked me if the prams were putting me in the mood. I'll take that if she honestly thought I could produce
This afternoon I made Honey Cake
When I was at school there was a bakery across the road and you could buy a 'honey bun' for 2d
I follow a Scottish lady on Instagram who demonstrates Scottish recipes. I asked her if she knew of a recipe for honey buns and a couple of weeks ago... She published one
Boy! Twas lush
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