Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Sarakina Gorge

Having my friend from Salonika around, makes an excuse for making some hikes. Today we drove up to Meskla, a village higher up and from where water springs from wells; that is from underneath those massive rocks what form the mountains of Crete... a photo from running waters in my extra.

 Sweetheart stayed in the taverna, when the two of us, went for a short walk; we noticed later on that if we want to do the full hike of 4,5 kms from Meskla up to Zourva, we need to walk that steep path upwards and not downwards as that may cause rolling rocks, what's great danger to us (and any other walker)... Ah, we think again on this plan.

Thank you all lots and lots for your kind and welcome reactions of recent! I need to find time in coming days, to visit yours & leave a note... Happy & Healthy Week to you all!  

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