no shortage of bees in my garden

On BBC2 Bill Turnbull was presenting a programme on the decline of bees, but there is no lack of bees in my garden. I have two different lavender plants and also two giant buddleia bushes and these blue/purple flowers which have attracted a great number of butterflies and bees over the past weeks.

There were actually four bees on this flower and three on one other. Unfortunately I don't have the photographic skills of bloggers such as Photogen, who is able to show several blips at the same time.

I know very little about bees, but I can see that some have a definite black/yellow stripe and others - the majority of the ones I have seen - are more a brown colour. They don't bother with me as I photograph them, but do move quickly on from one flower to the next so I have to be quick to capture them at times.

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