Eye Eye
Purchased some very thick acrylic paint which is for dot painting onto rocks. Of course I wasn’t into rocks so tried it out doing a quick scribble of a face. Left it to dry for a couple of days and the eye was still raised and when I took a photo of it all I thought it gave a different perspective to scribble because the paint didn’t flatten out! I’ll be playing more with this!
; )
Focusing on the eye also because I’ve got something wrong with one eye. Not sure yet what it is but it feels like something is under the lid. I’ve done a few rinses and used drops to no avail. I’ve been trying to make an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow but their website is down so I’ll be phoning them first thing in the morning!! My eye is all puffed up, quite red and constantly leaking fluid, I have had a terrible thing called iritis in the past and I’m hoping that it’s not that again!! Ugh!!
Needless to say, staring at the screen is difficult so I think going to bed and staring at the wall will be better ; )
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