A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


I'm increasingly wondering if the person designing the cat silhouettes for Race to the Raft have ever seen a cat.  This one has an impressive mace for a tail.

E, C and I are playing tonight, finishing off a strangely 'normal' day.  Meeting this morning, followed by a shared lunch this being "4th Sunday"; a bit of pottering at home then out with C to see the film The Universal Theory, which was ... odd.  Then back here for games.

The Universal Theory is a 2023 black & white film but as if it had been a 1967 film about events at a 1940s Physics convention.  The core theme was that of multiple universes interacting (under a Swiss mountain, accessible from a hotel elevator, as I'm sure is perfectly normal).  

Having two degrees in physics really wasn't much help...

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