Not the way you want to wake up at 5 am ....
.... by dripping water - in the bedroom!!!!
This one not so bad looking tile caught us!!!
Neil was a gem and got buckets and I tried to coontinue to sleep - which was not really possibly when water drops into two buckets!
Got up at 6 am and Neil started calling the roofers emergency line .... by 7:30 we had confirmation that one was coming - thanks god!!!
It had stopped raining but we still have a water pocket on the ceiling ....
I went for my Monday morning walk with Tash and saw more fallen trees n the way.
Like this on on Kelvin Walk way. Poor tree.
Back home I jumped in my first planning session with Leanne.
So much alignment there - I am so excited!!!
Then I jumped in another call.
In the meantime our tiles were put back in place - thanks goodness.
No more dripping surprises.
I worked on my marketing and now sorting some pictures for Leanne.
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