Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

King's Cross Roof, I Love It

OK, this is the third time (at least) that I've blipped this, but I think it's very photogenic... and there is a reason, kind of. The next assignment on my photography degree is about taking a series of b/w shots of a specific subject, demonstrating a load of specific design elements such as points, horizontals, vertical, diagonals, curves, shapes, patterns etc.

And here's the confession: I really like train station architecture! I'm not a trainspotter by any means, trains themselves don't move me at all (except in the literal sense, har har) but I really like train stations, and I think they look especially good in black and white. So I decided that my assignment theme is going to be Train Stations.

And on the way home tonight I had a spare 20 minutes at King's Cross so I decided to get started on the assignment...

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