The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Searching for the ‘tomb’ of John Franklin

John Franklin, a British explorer, led two ships in an expedition to discover the North-West passage, in 1845. Sadly the expedition failed, the crew all died, and the two ships were only discovered in 2015/16.

Now an explorer has set out to find the ‘tomb’ and Thr log book of JF. I am not sure what type of tomb he is expecting to find…. In case you haven’t guessed, I’m watching Nat Geographic, which I always forget is part of Disney plus. I wish I knew who had created the painting : maybe a reverse image search will tell me.
Update: TML has found it! “ Actually, I DID find it - it's here, by François Musin, 'HMS Resolute in search of Sir John Franklin', auctioned by Sotheby's.“

Storm Herminia blew in from Spain today. It was a tad windy and rainy. I’ve finished a load of online stuff and started a new course (30 mins a day this week; that’s do-able).

Steve went to Gloucester to search for a Chinese supermarket he had not previously visited. We had beautifully fresh tofu for supper. We both love a good Chinese supermarket, I used to to enjoy visiting the ones in Edinburgh in the 1980s. Can’t wait to go there!

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