--- and back again
It was time to say cheerio to John and Janice in Arbroath this morning, and take the 10.50 train to London. Rufus and I comfortably passed the next six hours - me looking out the window and taking a few scenic photographs, him getting almost constant attention and fuss from the nearest passengers ! As with the outward journey last week, the underground travel between Kings cross and Liverpool St was awkward with a small case, backpack and a dog - but a couple of kind strangers helped me for which I was grateful. The timing was excellent - we got to the Chelmsford bound train at L'pool St with two minutes to spare till departure and Gareth was waiting for us in Chelmsford so that I walked in through the front door not long after 6pm. It's been a static evening in front of the TV - all holiday aftermath chores can be done tomorrow - as can the start of my diet :)
What a lovely week I've had. How quickly the time passed. Looking forward to seeing Janice and John in the Spring when we will be in Turkey.
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