A time for everything

By turnx3

The Bonbonnerie

Friday Jan 24
Sunny, but colder today, remaining below freezing. Roger spent most of the day in the cold garage, installing a new garage door opener. The old one, which he’d installed about 20 years ago, had been playing up recently, exacerbated by the frigid temperatures. You’d press the button for it to close, and it would get so far down, and then go back up again, and it could do this half a dozen times. He’d tried adjusting it in different ways, but nothing was working, so he decided it was time to replace it. Amazon came to the rescue and had delivered it in a couple of days.
However, he took a break in the afternoon so we could go to the Bonbonnerie in O’Bryonville for a lunch/tea. We had intended going before Christmas, but never got round to it. It’s a very well known and popular bakery and cafe, with cute decorations as you can see from my collage.
I had been once with Laura and then once with Roger, but both occasions were years ago. For the lunch part, we just had a piece of quiche, then a piece of cake each, a piece of their famous Opera torte, and a piece of carrot cake, which we shared, and they were both very good. Afterwards, Roger returned to his job, and by the end of the day had finished the physical installing, leaving the electric and programming part till tomorrow.
I’m so thankful for my resident handyman!

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