
A culture-packed day to make up for my laziness earlier in the week! Started at 10.30am with composer (and now filmmaker/artist) Michael Nyman talking about his installation at Summerhall, Images Were Introduced. Really interesting talk and I'd recommend the installation, beautiful layered imagery with a Michael Nyman soundtrack, can't go far wrong with that.

Next was the Man Ray Portraits exhibition at the Portrait Gallery, followed by a trip to the City Art Centre for Coming into Fashion: A Century of Photography at Condé Nast, both of which were good (though not as good as the cake I had in the City Art Centre cafe - almond and elderflower with mascarpone and pistachio, heaven on a plate).

Then I went to meet middleman at the Underbelly for a show he'd picked out, The Islanders. It was okay, not brilliant but not bad. Had a pint afterwards and a browse of the Fringe programme, and decided to go and see Sean Hughes at Teviot. He was excellent, and we also fitted in a cheap and tasty curry at the Mosque Kitchen before the show and a pint afterwards. Marvellous. :-)

Better big!

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